You Weren't Born Judging Your Body...

Or yourself, for that matter.

You didn’t come into this world thinking, “Oh, I can’t believe I have a double chin!”
You weren’t toddling around saying, “I can’t believe I fell over!”

No, you were just fine, simply experiencing life.

In those early moments, there was an inherent okayness, a sense of worthiness, a deep knowing that “I am as good as anybody else.

But then, we were all born into families and cultures that came pre-loaded with a whole bunch of ideas and beliefs.

Some of them were good and helpful. Others? Not so much.

You can feel the difference.

The helpful thoughts and beliefs lift you up. They feel supportive, encouraging, and loving.

The others? They drag you down. They make you feel insecure, less than, not enough.

We’re okay with the thoughts that feel good because they align with the truth we know deep down—we are enough, worthy, and perfectly fine as we are.

But those other thoughts, the judgments that cause us to doubt, criticize, and bring ourselves down? We don’t like those. Because they’re out of alignment with who we truly are.

Here’s the thing: those thoughts—they aren’t yours. They never were.

Recognizing that your thoughts are just thoughts, and reconnecting with the truth of who you are, can clear away so much of the pain you experience.

It’s a process, and it can take time, but this is the ultimate freedom we’re searching for…

To live our lives true to ourselves.

You are good enough, safe, and worthy.
You can trust life, and you can trust yourself.

This is the path I walk with my coaching clients. If you’d like support along this journey—the journey of resting comfortably in who you truly are—my Private Coaching may be for you. Click here to learn more and book a free consultation.

Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash


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