Working with Kristina is like magic. The opening into our true nature is somehow revealed and a sense of space uncovered. She is wise, understanding, honest and brilliant. I highly recommend Kristina as a coach.
— Emma B., UK
I’m grateful that I took the plunge and worked with Kristina. I feel more at peace with my body and self image than I’ve ever felt before. Kristina has a very empowering approach to her coaching and I learned many helpful tools to continue my journey in self acceptance. I’d tell anyone considering the program that they are worth the time and money invested, because ultimately, all the time and money spent on changing our bodies is a never ending pattern, but this coaching helped me to be kinder and more peaceful with my approach to my body and image.
— Katie K., Atlanta GA
I’ve spent a lifetime struggling with my body and my weight, and was worried I was too far into it to be “talked out of it”. But Kristina expertly guided me with incredible knowledge, intelligence, and compassion. To be quite honest, I’m still shocked that my thinking and feelings about my body and food have been able to change so very much in such a short amount of time. Kristina used my own insights and experiences to make everything clear and concrete for me, and gave me specific tools I could use to make sure these new insights became part of my everyday life. Her coaching has been incredibly freeing, and entirely life-changing; for the first time since I was very small, I feel at home in my body.
— Samantha, Germany
I originally worked with Kristina for 8 sessions and we did a LOT of good work during that time and it changed me forever. A couple years later I realized I still had some more “work to do” and truthfully I felt like a failure as I thought I’d crossed the body image issues off my list. But I realized I just wasn’t ready to look at the deeper stuff at that time, and now I was. Continuing my work with Kristina helped me to understand that feeling good in my body is a daily practice of coming home to and trusting myself. I see so much more now how my negative thoughts weren’t just attacking my body image, but my image as a mother, business owner, wife etc. Since I understand how to handle my thoughts better now, and started practicing meditation with Kristina’s free meditation group, I am able to open up to feeling the love that is already within me. I would 100000000000000% recommend one-on-one coaching with Kristina! She has been a GODsend
— Jamie M., Minnesota
Having struggled with an eating disorder for many years, I was hesitant to start working with a new recovery coach. I felt shame for my struggles, and was afraid to surrender the rituals and beliefs I held even though I knew they were holding me back. But I decided to work with Kristina and I would absolutely recommend her! She was kind and supportive yet still firm, pushing me to grow. Her support between sessions was very generous, and I appreciated her great listening skills and sense of humour. I came away from our time together with a new appreciation for how my inner wisdom and body are innately connected. I developed the skill to see and question the beliefs that cause me stress, enabling me to seek a kinder way to be and speak with myself. The tools taught and practiced in the sessions on a regular basis have had noticeably positive results. I am slowly reconnecting with my body, learning to communicate with it and trust its cues. I really owe so much of my recovery and growth to Kristina’s guidance, and I’m so grateful.
— Alison E., Vancouver, Canada
Doing private coaching with Kristina helped me to learn to trust myself more. She created a safe structure for each session that helped me to feel grounded and prepared me for the challenge of being vulnerable. Somewhere along the way I lost touch with feelings, and I’m now learning to bring this part of myself back into my life. I now place importance on what my values are, and am less reactive to situations where I used to jump straight to “people pleasing”. I would recommend coaching with Kristina to anyone regardless if your needs have to do with body acceptance or not. It’s a real journey into regaining what you’ve lost and the power and benefits of being present.
— Sarah
After working with Kristina I feel like I have more space between “me” and my thoughts about my body. I like that the sessions were a mix of both regular coaching, exercises, and meditations depending how my state of mind was on the given day. I also found it very meaningful that the aim of the coaching was for me to understand that my negative thoughts about my body weren’t my personal thoughts, but society’s conditioning, and that happiness doesn’t depend on me having a smaller body. Kristina in a very patient way guided me back to my true nature. The level of support both in the coaching sessions and in-between sessions was so helpful. I definitely would recommend coaching with Kristina.
— Nicoline O., Denmark
I learned a lot and had some wonderful insights coaching with Kristina. I definitely have more days now when I feel okay with the ways my body has changed, and with who I am and what is happening in my life. I’m better able to find balance in my eating and exercise. I feel freer and less obsessive. Kristina is challenging in the best way! She would not give up on me, or let me give up on myself. I needed that. I really liked the way she constantly offered different perspectives, and I appreciated how structured each session was. I appreciated Kristina’s continuous insistence that showing up exactly how I was in that moment was important and OK. I would definitely recommend doing coaching with her. I think it delivered exactly what Kristina promised from the very beginning.
— Jayme
Working with Kristina has helped me make the biggest strides in my eating disorder recovery. The coaching provided me with tools that have proved crucial to my body acceptance journey. I really liked how Kristina worked with me to develop tools and practices that were tailored to me and my specific needs each week, versus having a prescriptive plan. I really felt I was reaping the most benefit out of my investment because everything we did or talked about was relevant to me and where I was on my path. The sessions brought balance and joy back to my day-to-day life. I live differently as a result of my 8-week coaching experience, and I’m so grateful for that. I would encourage anyone embarking on a recovery journey to consider the 8-week body acceptance program as a necessary component of the recovery process.
— Tegan
Kristina has a healing and warm presence that creates a safe space and supportive place to explore and question deep issues. After doing the coaching program with Kristina My entire perspective has changed. I see life, my body, and everything around me in a whole new way. I realized that everything I thought I understood about my body issues are deeply entrenched in how I see the entire world. All my relationships had to change - and most dramatically the one with myself.
— April
My friend recommended Kristina’s coaching program to me and I really trust my friend’s opinion. I had a consultation with Kristina beforehand which was very helpful. After going through the coaching program I can say my body doesn’t feel like such a big deal anymore. I’ve learnt how to live my life and not focus on my body. I’ve learnt that I can achieve anything and that it doesn’t matter what I look like. Diet mentality tells you that life only begins when you look a certain way and I’ve learnt that life begins right now. I like that we worked on goals that weren’t specifically related to my body image. It helped me focus on the most important things in my life and gave me the confidence to achieve all the things I’ve put on the back burner. I would definitely recommend Kristina’s coaching program. It was amazing to have that time for myself each week. It also helped me to develop a calmness about my body that I’ve never had before. I feel a sense of freedom to achieve anything I want. I was also able to work on my internalized weight stigma and truly take care of myself from a place of self-care. I’ve learnt to be more compassionate towards myself and Kristina helped me to focus on things in my life that really matter.
— Dee
Kristina has a great way of getting you to expose your limiting assumptions and keep you accountable. Part life coach, part body image expert, all around change instigator. Every week she asked me great questions that kept me thinking the week thru, and helped me make changes in the right direction. I have just started my journey to accepting myself and Kristina got me unstuck.
— Kim
Body acceptance coaching with Kristina changed me so much and I almost feel like a different person sometimes. One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed is how I’ve become a lot more in tune with my heart center - it has reduced my need for external advice and helps me to feel more in control of my own choices. I’m also able to take off my “ugly glasses” more easily, and even when they’re on, I’m definitely much kinder to myself! I’m more forgiving and willing to stay with moments where I feel uncomfortable in my body... knowing it will pass. I also really enjoyed the action steps I had at the end of every session because it helped me to be accountable to myself. It provided a benchmark for progress without feeling like a scorecard. I liked that it could be changed to fit me, and not a target that I needed to achieve. Coaching with Kristina helped me to recognise what a good support system can do and that I didn’t need to struggle with this alone for so long. A lot of the things I’ve learnt are also really applicable beyond body acceptance and it’s really enriched many areas of my life.
— Isabella
I would 1000000000% recommend this coaching program if you’re willing to open up and do the work. I feel like I was at the point where I was really ready to dive in and move forward from the past that was holding me back. It also wasn’t all about how I related to my physical body, so much emotional work and mental tuning. I feel happier and more confident then I have maybe ever in my life! I now feel much “nicer” to my body. I see it as a part of who I am and not something that I need to change. I also feel much happier and free from all the judgements and stipulations I placed on my happiness, provided my body looked a certain way. I feel like I am no longer under the “dieting spell” which feels really good.
— Jamie
Before starting the coaching I was concerned that I would still want to go back to dieting afterwards. But after the sessions, I feel more confident I can do this and move forward on my own. It is so helpful to have someone support your goals, and I enjoyed the time for introspection and digging deeper into my long held beliefs about food and my body. I am now feeling a sense of freedom - it was the first Christmas that I didn’t worry about food! I am feeling a lot more love towards myself. I would for sure recommend private coaching with Kristina, it has been life-changing for me!
— Suzanne
When I was first considering doing the body acceptance coaching program I was hesitant because I wanted to make sure I picked a coach who believed in acceptance of all bodies, and was knowledgeable in the areas of body positivity, fat liberation, and Health at Every Size; because in my opinion, these are fundamental pieces to body acceptance. Many people and coaches claim they believe in these principles, but are just using them as social media and/or business ploys. After my 30-minute consultation with Kristina I could see she knew her stuff, and my hesitations were quelled. I really liked the structure of the sessions and how each session built upon one another. I also really liked the fact that each session was highly individualized and tailored to my needs in the moment. Since finishing the program I have definitely noticed a shift in the way that I think and how I react to negative thinking. Through the techniques I learned through the program, I’m now able to get out of my own head and identify specific behaviors and thinking patterns that no longer serve me (like what I thought about my body). This is something that I have been practicing and will continue to practice as it is an ever evolving process. Kristina is an amazing, empathetic, and grounding coach, and I would highly recommend this coaching experience. I feel I now have the tools necessary to be able to live a life closer to my values, rather than the expectations that others’ and society instilled in me.
— Lindsey